News & Articles About Mindfulness
News and articles about mindfulness is written by our editors and taken from trusted sources. Here is the best resources for learning mindfulness.

Can Mindfulness Counter Obesity?
Mindfulness is being aware of the present moment. The present time is sometimes absent from the human mind, leading to distraction. Mindfulness practices train the brain to be more focused and attentive of our intentions. While it is true that focusing is something that we can do ‘naturally’, mindful decision

Meditation Interpreted by the Body
We all know that the mind has control over the body. But what most people don’t realize is that the body also has a good control over the mind. This sounds puzzling, but if we think in the way of hormones and how they affect our daily moods, the previous statement is true.

How Meditation Improves Memory
In a fast-moving world, it’s hard for a mind to stay current. In this context, staying current means giving attention and stay aware of the recent situation, in other words, being mindful. Being mindful means keeping the mind from anxiety and unintended worries. In our world, this could be as

Meditation, A Natural Painkiller
Can meditation acts like a painkiller? Beside the fact of a fast-growing economy, a low unemployment rate, and a high GDP of the world, people still find that pain is something dealt daily. Between all the solutions of relieving stress, meditation emerges as one solution that is simple and has

S.T.O.P. — A Stress-Relieving Method
Everyone experiences stress at some point in their life. Stress is certainly not a bad thing to be experienced. In fact, it has been a crucial tool of survival. Being an important thing for our survival, stress is a response of emotional tension. It can be super helpful in times

When Ego is Taking Over
Consciousness may seem like something we know yet we can’t fully understand its meaning. Some might say it’s something related to the human soul, others might say it’s just some functions within human brains. Consciousness is, however, what drives humans to feel emotions. It’s something behind our awareness. Yet, awareness

Mindfulness Meditation and Depression
84 patients from Centre for Addiction and Mental Health Toronto were under research of how Mindfulness meditation can be as effective as antidepressant. They have been taking antidepressant for 8 months due to having depressive experiences. After 8 months medication, they were divided into 3 groups: the first group continued

How Mindfulness Helps to Prevent Corona Virus
Immune system is the most important mechanism in human body that identifies and helps to defend our bodies. This is why we need to increase our immune system to deal with any kind of diseases or viruses, including corona virus (COVID-19) that has already spread fast and wildly for the

Practicing Mindfulness during WFH
Having to work from home for some of us is quite challenging, at least for me. I used to have things done in a hustle and bustle at professional settings by interacting and meeting with other people. But home? For me who’s been having a 9–6 lifestyle since I ever